Centre Holidays - Redefining Travel

The Essence Of Jordan

Located on the east bank of the Jordan River, the country plays a huge role in biblical history and is defined by its ancient monuments.

Petra, Jordan Petra, Jordan

The Treasury At Petra

At the main entrance to Petra, the Nabatean capital, stands the Treasury, believed to be over 2,000 years old, its excellent preservation certain to leave a lasting impression. The intricate carvings adorning its facade provide a wonderful insight into Nabatean culture, with the inside compared to that of a film set. Catch it at its most ethereal between 09:00 am and 11:00 am, as the sun hits it directly, or 05:00 pm - 06:00 pm as the pink glow of the setting sun smothers its intricate structure.

Wadi Rum, Jordan Wadi Rum, Jordan

Wadi Rum, Jordan

Any experiences you may have had exploring the desert, will not prepare you for what Wadi Rum has to offer. Populated by trekking camels and dotted with Bedouin camps, the ’Valley of the Moon’ boasts lunar-like crevices and towering rock formations, known to have Aramaic characters inscribed across it. Marvel at the former watering hole of Lawrence of Arabia, named Lawrence’s Spring.

The Dead Sea, Jordan The Dead Sea, Jordan

The Dead Sea

Bordering Jordan, 1,300 feet below sea level and, therefore, the lowest body of water on Earth, is the hypersaline waters of the Dead Sea. Renowned for its high salt concentration, visitors flock here to experience for themselves, its natural buoyancy. Proven to have specific health benefits, due to its mineral concentration, visitors smother their skin in the rich black mud as they allow the soothing waters to keep them afloat.

Unwind as you appreciate the ever-present natural beauty and historic wonder of the hills of Judaea to the west, and the Transjordanian plateaus to the east.

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